Author: Your All Notes

a. What was the first declaration of human rights that the United Nations signed into law? Answer: Economic and social rights was the first human rights declaration made by the United Nations. b. When does Human Rights Day take place? Answer: Human Rights Day takes place on December 10. c. What is the goal of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights? Answer: The goal of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is to establish the basic human rights and values. d. What are two big stages that involve writing the history of human rights in relation to that of…

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a. Describe the claim of the Chinese nationalists about human history. Answer: Chinese nationalists claim that history began with the Yellow Emperor and the Xia and Shang dynasties. b. What do pious Muslims believe about human history? Answer: Pious Muslims believe that history before Muhammad is irrelevant. c. What did the Aztecs firmly believe about the universe? Answer: Aztecs firmly believed in the universe and that their every year’s sacrifices are helping to sunrise and stop the universe to break. d. What, according to the essay, are the universal human abilities? Answer: Morality, creativity, religion, and inventiveness are universal…

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a. What are the factors that contribute to wisdom? Answer: The factors that contribute to wisdom are a  sense of proportion, comprehensiveness with wide emotion, impartiality,etc. b. What message does the writer try to convey with the examples of technicians? Answer: The writer tries to show the dangers of relying only on technical expertise by giving the examples of technicians. c. Which leaders does Russell say were able to mix knowledge and wisdom soundly? Answer: According to Russell, Henry IV and Abraham Lincoln were able to combine knowledge and wisdom successfully. d. Why is wisdom needed not only in public…

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a. According to the author, what is marriage? Answer: According to the author, it is a relationship where partners are linked by legal, moral, and conventional assumptions. b. How is marriage an institution? Answer: Marriage is an institution because it is culturally shaped and integrated with other basic social institutions such as education, business and politics. c. What are the rules that a marriage has? Answer: A marriage creates soft boundaries which the married couple have to follow. d. Why does marriage matter to men? Answer: Marriage matters to men because it provides structure to men’s life. It also controls…

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a. Where could the author be found when he was late for lunch or dinner? Answer: The author could be found in the library of his family. b. What are his first memories? Answer: His first memories are the books and his library. c. Why did he dislike school? Answer: He disliked school because he had to receive instructions sitting in class. He became very passive in class. d. What did he feel about at the library? Answer: He felt free to choose the thousands, tens of thousands of books. He got the freedom to read and enjoy varieties…

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a. When does the speaker grow soft? Enlist the occasions when he grows soft.  Answer: The speaker grows soft when he hears the tumult and crashes on the mysterious stillness. He becomes soft When the sky grows like the flowers over the stones and grows five inches taller. b. What do you understand by ‘this seamless city’? Answer: This seamless city indicates an interruption-free city or city without rules and regulations.   c. Describe the poor children portrayed in the poem. Answer: The speaker presents the pathetic condition of poor people. Children are homeless as well as parentless. They are suffering…

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The Awakening Age: Class 12 English: Exam-Oriented Short and Important Questions a.Who are the people who travel the Meridian line? Answer: African inhabitants are the people who travel the Meridian line. b. What does the poet mean by ‘ a new world’? Answer: A new world means the place where peace and prosperity begin. c. How are people connected to each other? Answer: People are connected to each other by a rope of hope. d. What can we gain after our perceptions are changed? Answer: We get truth and clarity after our perceptions are changed. e. How are we benefitted…

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What is the theme of the Poem? Answer: I Was My Own Route is a poem by Julia de Burgos. The poem reflects the speaker’s journey to self-discovery and independence. The speaker declares that she is the one who determines her own path in life and will not be limited by societal expectations or norms. The theme of the poem is empowerment, self-reliance, and the importance of following one’s own path in life. The poem encourages the reader to be confident and take control of their own journey, regardless of the obstacles they may encounter. a. Why did the speaker…

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7 Important Essays on Technology and Science 1. Essay on Technology Technology refers to tools, methods, and systems developed according to scientific and engineering principles to solve problems and improve our lives. It covers a wide range of fields such as information technology, transportation, power generation, and medicine. One of the biggest impacts of technology is how it has changed the way we communicate. The internet and smartphones have made it easier for people to stay connected regardless of their location. This has created new forms of social interaction such as: B. Online forums and social media platforms and opportunities…

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How to write product information? When writing product information, it is important to include important details such as product features, benefits and specifications. In addition, it may be helpful to include information about your target audience and how your product will address their needs. It’s helpful to organize information in a clear, readable format, such as: Bullet points or headings. Using high-quality images and videos also enhances your product information and helps your customers visualize your product. It is also important to proofread and edit information to ensure its accuracy and readability. Sample of writing product information Product Name: Ultra-Comfortable…

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Long synopsis for Daniel Engber’s “Let They Drink Water” “Let Them Drink Water” is an article by Daniel Engber discussing the controversy over drinking water safety in Flint, Michigan. The article describes how the city saved money by switching its water source from Lake Huron to the Flint River in his April 2014, but residents soon began complaining about water quality. The Flint River water was later found to be highly corrosive, with lead leaching from the city’s water pipes into the drinking water. Engber explains that despite mounting evidence to the contrary, government officials’ initial reaction was to deny…

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Summary/Important Question Answer of Alex Tabarrok’s The Meat Market Bbs first Business Communication Taarrok addresses and proposes a solution to the shortage of human organs for transplantation in the United States. He cites Singapore, Iran and Israel as examples to support his idea of ​​buying organs from donors. Tabarrok points out that many people around the world suffer from kidney disease. In the United States he had 83,000 people waiting on the official kidney transplant list, but in 2008 they received only 16,500 kidney transplants. About 5,000 died while waiting for transplants. To address the shortage, surgeons use several…

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Theme of The Wife-Beater by Gal Rosenwald Smith The wife beater undershirt is misnamed because it honors the man who beats his wife and thereby promotes violence against women. A short synopsis of The Wife-Beater by Gal Rosenwald Smith Wifebeater is a defining essay. Smith defines the term wifebeater and opposes it because it devalues ​​women and encourages domestic violence.  In the World Book Dictionary, in the 1970s the term wifebeater comes from the stereotype of a Midwestern man who wears an undershirt and beats his wife. These shirts were very popular in the 1980s. They were popular with men,…

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The theme of Judy Brady’s I Want a Wife In Judy Brady’s I Want a Wife, the author talks about all the responsibilities you fulfill as a wife and mother, and then how you want someone to do the housework. She wants a wife because She wants to be independent. The writer is not happy with what she is doing as a wife. She takes care of her children, does household chores, and takes care of her husband. Her speaker wants to have more time for herself and become an independent woman. Her desire for women comes after her recently…

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Subject-verb agreement refers to an agreement between the subject of a sentence and the verb used. Subjects and verbs must match in number. If the subject is plural, the verb must also be plural must be For example, in the sentence “The dog barks” there is subject-verb agreement because “dog” is singular and “barks” is singular.  Failure to reach an agreement on subjects and verbs is a common grammatical error. Here are some examples of subject-verb agreement in sentences: “The cat sits on the windowsill.” (singular subject, singular verb) “The children play in the park.” (plural subject, plural verb) “Neither…

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