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What is New Criticism in Literature? Class 12 Optional English Answer: New Criticism, also known as formalism, is a literary theory and approach to literary interpretation that emerged in the early 20th century. It focuses on reading the text carefully, ignoring intent. author, historical background, and reader response. New critics believe that the meaning of a literary work lies in the text and can be analyzed through careful consideration of its formal elements such as structure, language, imagery, and expression. statue. Here are some key features of New Criticism: 1. Close reading:  New critics emphasize careful examination of the text,…

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What is Structuralism? : Class 12 Optional English Structuralism in literature is a literary theory and a method of text analysis that emerged in the mid-20th century. It focuses on the basic structure and organization of a literary work rather than content or its individual elements. Structuralists believe that meaning arises from relationships between different parts of a text and study the patterns, systems, and structures that form a literary work. Here are some key concepts related to structuralism in literature: Binary Opposition: Structuralists identify binary opposites, such as good and evil, man and evil. women, nature and culture, etc.,…

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Describe Russian Formalism: Class 12 Optional English Russian Formalism is a school of literary criticism and theory that emerged in Russia in the early 20th century. It focuses on the formal aspects of literature, such as structure, language, and instruments rather than historical content or context. Russian formalists believe that the artistic quality of a literary work is independent of its political and social implications. Key figures associated with Russian formalism include Viktor Shklovsky, Roman Jakobson and Boris Eikhenbaum. They have developed various concepts and methods for literary analysis, such as literary decoding, plot analysis, and the study of tools…

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Textual Reading: Chapter Six: Class 12 Opt. English What is Text in literature? What do you mean by formalistic perspective? Text in literature refers to any written work, including novels, short stories, poetry, plays, and essays. It is the written form of a literary work that conveys meaning and can be analyzed and interpreted by the reader. Literary texts often explore different themes, characters, settings, and narrative structures to engage the reader and convey a message or idea. Literary texts can be studied in terms of literary devices, writing styles, and deeper meanings, allowing readers to analyze and appreciate the…

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Class Perspective: Class 12 Optional English What is Class? Describe the relationship between Marxism and arts and literature? Answer: In literature, a class refers to a group of individuals who share social, economic and cultural characteristics. It is used to explain topics about social inequality and power dynamics. It also shows the impact of social class on individuals and society. Class can be expressed in literature through depicting characters from different social classes and examining social life. Struggles and conflicts come from class differences. It can also be used to criticise or challenge existing social structures and norms. Class can…

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What is the concept of co-existence in gender studies? Differentiate gender equality from gender equity?: Class 12 Optional English Ans: In gender studies, coexistence refers to the recognition and acceptance of diverse gender identities and expressions. It emphasizes the idea that all genders should be recognized and respected, and that no gender should be given more priority over the others. Coexistence promotes a society where individuals can freely express their gender identity without fear of discrimination or marginalization. Difference between Gender equality and Gender equity Gender equality refers to the idea that all genders should have equal rights, opportunities…

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Gender Perspective or Gender Studies:  Class 12 Optional English Unit 6 Introduction to Critical Perspectives to the Study of Literature Gender Perspective/Gender Studies a. What is Gender Perspective/Gender Studies? What are the traditional gender roles prescribed for men and women? Ans: Gender perspective, also known as gender studies, is an academic field that explores the social, cultural, and political dimensions of gender. It examines how gender identities and roles are constructed, maintained, and challenged in different societies and historical contexts. Gender studies analyze the dynamics of power, inequality and discrimination often related to gender.  Gender perspective in literature refers to…

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How Lean Production Can Change the World by James P. Womack, Daniel T. Jones and Daniel Roos: Summary: Class 12 Optional English The essay How Lean Production Can Change the World by James P. Womack, Daniel T. Jones and Daniel Roos was published in The New York Times on September 23, 1990. This essay is about the manufacturing advancements of car production companies with the newer and efficient practices of lean production techniques in the world Lean production is a concept that originated from the Toyota Production System and has since been adopted by various industries worldwide. It focuses on…

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BBS Second Year Question with Solution: Business Communication BBS Second Year Question: Business Communication (MGT 205) (New Course) TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY 2079 B.B.S. 4 Yrs. Prog./ II Year / MGMT Full Marks: 100 Time: 3 hrs. Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The figures in the margin indicate full marks. Attempt ALL the questions. Group ‘A’ 1. How do you evaluate human sensibility towards the non -human in Lekhanath Poudyal’s “The parrot in the Cage”?(5) 2. Alfred North Whitehead in “Religion and Science” discusses how science and religion are related. To what…

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What is Meta-language? By Lisa Tran: Summary and Theme Important Question Answer Summary of the Essay The text What is Meta-language? Is taken from her blog, and it is about what meta-language is. It is a language that describes language symbols, personification, characterisation, motifs, imagery.   Meta-language seems new to students but it is not new thing. Students are using it unknowingly. It is a language that describes language. Our word choice changes the meaning of a sentence. For example, we find difference between he is sad and he felt sorrowful. People are using it as same. But they have different…

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The Speech on Release from Jail by Nelson Mandela: Summary, Theme and Important Question Answer: Class 12 Optional English The speech on release from jail by Nelson Mandela refers to the address he delivered on February 11, 1990, after spending 27 years in prison. This is a historic speech. It showed the starting of a new era in South Africa. It is the beginning of a new era of democracy. It was a pivotal moment in the country’s fight against racial discrimination. In this speech, Mandela expressed his gratitude for the support he received during his imprisonment in Jail. He…

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Check Your NEB Grade 12 Result with Marksheet: 2080 You are at the right place to check NEB Grade 12 Result with Mark-sheet: 2080   Important Notice to Grade 12 Students: If you get NG in 2 subjects, you will be eligible to give  grade increment exam this year. And if you get NG in more than 3 subjects, you should give exam next year. You can only give exam of NG subjects. It is not necessary to give all subjects exam. National Examination Board (Higher Secondary Education Board) conducts class 12 board exam. It also publishes class 12…

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Start of Kaliyuga: Bed First Year C.English Summary and Important Question Answer Summary in English and Nepali This story tells us that people in Satya Yuga are very generous but people started to become greedy and selfish in Kali Yuga. Yudhishtira’s Ashwamedha Yagna is the greatest Yagna. In it, all Rishis who perform Yagna and chant Mantras are given food, clothes, and cows. During the ceremony, two farmers came there to resolve their dispute. They refused to take the pot of gold. They begged Yudhishtira to settle the dispute. One of the farmers sold his land to the other. The…

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A Red Red Rose: Complete Exercise: Class 11 Answer the following questions. a. To which two things does the speaker compare his love in the first stanza? Ans: The speaker compares his love in the first stanza with a red rose and melody. b. What does the speaker promise in the second and third stanzas? Ans: The speaker promises to continue his love till the sea goes dry and the rock melts in the second and third stanzas. c. What imagery does he use in his promise, and why do you think he uses such language? Ans: He uses the…

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Corona Says: Class 11 English Answer the following questions. Very Short Question Answer (5*2=10) a. Who is the speaker in the poem? Ans: Corona Virus is the speaker in the poem. b. Who claim that they are superior to all? Ans: Human Beings claim that they are superior to all. c. Why has the speaker come to the Earth? Ans: The speaker comes to the Earth to give a little rest to mother earth. d. What positive changes have occurred on Earth after the speaker’s visit? Ans: Positive changes are clean air, a dust-free environment and low pollution. Reference…

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