Fastest and Easiest way to SEE Result 2079
How to Check Your SEE Result 2079 with Marksheet
Nepal SEE Result 2079 is Published. You may be asking about how to check your result with
marksheet. Our official note site will help and guide you to get your results with marksheet.
We will update everything every year. We work day and night to update you about the result. You can
check your result and marksheet online.
SEE exam is the final exam of class 10. The exam is being taken by NEB. It was previously known as
Letter Grading System:
1. 90 percentage or above=4.0/A+=Outstanding
2. 80 to below 90=3.6/A=Excellent
3. 70 to below 80=3.2/b+=Very Good
4. 60 to below 70=2.8/B=Good
5. 50 to below 60=2.4/C+=Satisfactory
6. 40 to below 50=2/C=Acceptable
7. 35 to below 40=1.6/D=Basic